Many people have trouble with sleep and insomnia. If you are one of the few people who can enjoy great nights of sleep, congratulations.
If you are not so lucky, keep reading. There are several sleeping disorders, including sleep apnea and many others, that affect people of all ages.
Depending on your symptoms and the extent of your sleep problems, there might be something you can do in the comfort of your home to relax and finally get the sleep you deserve.
Before you can solve your sleep problems, it would be helpful to define a few things.
There are four major sleep stages.
Learn more about various causes of insomnia. In a nutshell, most causes of insomnia can be classified into the following four categories.
Learn more about sleep and insomnia on these pages:
Learn about the effects a mattress can have on insomnia, how the right sleeping surface can help you but why an expensive new mattress is not always the best option.
Learn about chronic fatigue syndrome and discover if you should speak to your doctor to get your energy levels up again.
Sleep Aid Guide - Trouble Sleeping? Sleep Disorder?
If you are having trouble getting to sleep or are suffering from a sleep disorder the Sleep Aid Guide is there to help you find the right sleep aids and to help you get the rest you need.
If you are interested in buying hypnotherapy CDs, scripts and ebooks that can help you improve your sleep and find out more about brainwave & sleep research and other areas of health and hypnosis, visit this Hypnosis and Health site.
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