How is your relaxation music collection? Can it stand the test of stress?
While music preference is a personal decision based on your very own taste, soothing relaxing music normally falls in very few select categories.
Sure, you may have a few favorite slow songs, and they may be good at helping you relax at home but there are also specific types of music that can help you unwind and reduce your stress levels.
Have you ever heard of New Age music? What about the Sounds of Nature series? Have you ever heard the chants of monks?
And there are many other types of relaxing music that fall in between.
I have yet to hear a relaxing rap or heavy metal song, so if this is all you listen to normally, you may have to expand your musical horizons.
Here are some great relaxing music selections from Amazon. To see more, click on the Amazon title and you'll be taken to their website to browse some more or purchase the relaxation music you want. Enjoy!
If relaxation music isn't what you're looking for, you may be interested in relaxation DVDs or reading my reviews of two books of the month.