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How to Astral Project
Learn Astral Travel Techniques

You've decided to astral travel but you're still unsure about how to astral project or leave your body to get on the astral plane?

There are many different methods that you can use to astral project, but unfortunately not all methods work for everyone.

You'll probably have to try a few of them before you find the one that works best for you.

Yes, it's the good old "trial and error" process at work!

Different Techniques to Astral Project

Here are a few astral projecting techniques that you should try:

  • Swing Technique. Remember those swings and how much fun they were when you were a kid?

    This technique involves mentally picturing yourself on a swing with your head being the centre of rotation. It is best done while sitting comfortably with your eyes closed.

    You need to gradually imagine your body swingly higher and higher until your astral body detaches itself from your physical body.

Learning how to astral project is a long process. Review the preparation steps here.

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