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How to Make an Herbal Wrap

There are so many reasons to indulge in a herbal wrap treatment.

It's soothing, it can improve your breathing, and depending on the herbs involved in your specific treatment, if offers an almost endless list of benefits.

Read more on how herbs and aromatherapy are beneficial to your health.

Because the body is fully wrapped during this home spa treatment, you will not be able to give yourself such treatment, but your partner will definitely thank you for it. Who knows, your partner may return the favor sooner than you think!

Equipment and Ingredients for an Herbal Wrap

You will obviously need a few things for your herbal wrap. Let's start with some basic equipment. If some of these items are new to you, learn more about spa equipment here.

Herbs for Your Herbal Treatment

You will also need herbs... otherwise it wouldn't be called a herbal wrap! I recommend the following herbs for your first wrap, but feel free to experiment with other herbs.

You can use other herbs but you should start with very small quantities until you know how your body will react. Other herbs that could be used are:

Preparation Steps for Your Herbal Wrap

While your partner is enjoying a hot shower or bath, follow these preparation steps:

Giving an Herbal Wrap Treatment

This herbal wrap is only one option, discover other home spa treatments here.

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