Can't Sleep?
Sleep Tips and Techniques to Prevent Insomnia
| Can't sleep? You're not the only one. Stress has a tendency to stay with you, even when your eyes are closed. Fortunately, by learning to relax at home, you can help improve the quality of your sleep. While you could opt to take over-the-counter medication to help you fall asleep, it may be better for your health to try natural alternatives first. |
Natural Sleep Remedies
Here are a few relaxation tips that will improve your chances of getting a good night's sleep.
- Get a new mattress if you've had your mattress for more than 10 years or if your back hurts when you get up. Learn how to choose a mattress here.
- Feng Shui your bedroom by picking earth tones (beige, off-white, cool greens, cool blues, etc.) in your bedroom color scheme. If you like pink, you could also use a soft shade of pink to help tranquilize your mind. For more information on how colors affect your energy and feng shui, visit this page.
- Move your clock so that you can't see what time it is when you wake up in the middle of the night. For most people, it's as simple as turning it to face the wall. If you have an old-fashioned ticking clock, you should move it away from your bed or cover it with a towel to help muffle some of the ticking noises.
- Drop the temperature at night. Keep your house around 18C or 64F and the drop in body temperature will signal to your body that it's time to sleep.
- Invest in thick and dark curtains, especially if you are a night shift worker.
- Keep all distractions away from your bedroom. If you must have a television and other electronics in your bedroom, keep them hidden in an armoire.
For more information on how to beat insomnia, visit these pages: