Using a candle making kit to create your own beautiful candles can help you forget all your worries. Then, you can stare at the flickering flame and relax some more. You have the power to create your very own candles with your favorite scents (and therefore enjoy the aromatherapy benefits of your choice).
You can also pick a color that goes well with your environment to improve your feng shui. Click on a picture below and a separate window/tab will open and take you to an online store that sells high quality, discount candles and candle making products.
WARNING: If you have young children or pets, you will have to keep them away from the area where you will be making your candles. You don't want them ingesting the scented oils, eating the dye or burning themselves on the hot wax.
Choosing Candle Molds
These molds are an important component of your candle making kit and they come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. Some are made of metal, clay, glass, plaster, rubber, and other materials. It's important to not exceed the temperature for which the molds are rated.
Rubber and Plaster: 70 - 80 Celsius (160 -180 Fahrenheit)
Here are a few more things that you will need to get started:
Dish Cloth. When breaking the wax with tools, you may want to use a dish cloth or even a bag to keep all the smaller pieces from scattering over the floor and/or your work area.
Double Boiler. You can use a real one, or create your own by using a metal container that is smaller than your pot (see metal pouring container below). Make sure to keep enough water in the pot at all times.
Dye Chips. These chips are small and hard. They are added to the melted wax to add the colour of your choice.
Measuring Cups. The ones you use in the kitchen will do, but make sure to wash them thoroughly when you are done.
Metal Pouring Container. You can use this container as the inside container in your double-boiler and you can also use it to pour the molten wax into the molds.
Paper Towels. Cleaning molds is easy when you use a paper towel while the wax is still warm.
Scale. If you have a kitchen scale, it can become part of your candle making kit.
Scents. Your favorite scents can be added to the candles, but you have to make sure that the scents you are using are meant to be used in candle making.
Scissors. Depending on the type of wax you are using, you may need a good pair of craft scissors.
Spoons. Use metal spoons to stir the molten wax and mix the dye pigments.
Stove Top. You will need a heating element of some sort on which you will melt the wax.
Tools. If you use hard compact wax, you will need tools such as a screw driver and hammer to break the wax into smaller pieces.
Thermometer. If you have a kitchen thermometer that can read the temperature ranges shown above, you should be able to use it.
Wax. The most important component of your candle making kit is obviously the wax. You can use beads, beeswax, gel or paraffin.
Waxed Paper. In order to protect your work surface, you can cover it with waxed paper.
Wicks. Wicks are another important components of your candle making kit. There are several types of wicks. Primed wicks have been chemically treated.