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Relaxation-at-Home Newsletter #040 -- January Stress - Finances, Relationships and Resolutions Tips
January 25, 2011

Good job! You've made it through the holiday season alive, the season that many people find the most stressful time of year. However, I'm sad to announce that January is actually worse… But only a few days to go before this depressing and stressful month is over.

Of course, I'm not here to increase your stress, I only want to offer a few great tips that will help you reduce your January stress levels.

Relaxation Ideas for Money Stress

Yes, you may have overspent during the holidays, and tax season is right around the corner… not to mention the current economic situation. If your finances are stressing you out, breathe deeply, then do something about it.

Read these four easy tips that will help reduce your financial stress

Relaxation Tips for Relationships

Valentine's Day is coming up. Whether you are single, happy in your relationship, or unhappy in your relationship, this highly commercialized holiday can increase your stress levels.

Read more on actions you can take to reduce relationship stress

Achieving Your New Year's Resolutions

Many people take New Year's resolutions and there is nothing wrong with that. However, some people end up with unrealistic expectations of what they can achieve, and when they realize that they can't stick to their newly created resolutions, they feel stressed and overwhelmed.

Here's an idea, whether or not you have abandoned your resolutions. Instead of thinking about resolutions, think about a concrete plan to achieving your goals.

Read more on how to convert your resolutions into actionable goals

Book of the Month

Don't forget to check out my two book-of-the-month recommendations for this month.

Book of the Month for January 2011

Remember to Relax

Stay posted and come back to visit Relaxation at Home.

That's it for now and you'll get more relaxation tips from me soon.

Remember to make time for relaxation on a daily basis!

Caroline Begin

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