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Relaxation-at-Home newsletter, Issue #019 -- Relaxation Resolutions
January 02, 2009

Happy New Year!

As the stress from the holidays starts to wind down, you may have decided to make some resolutions for 2009. Perhaps you want to be more successful, particularly with the economic recession...

Perhaps you want to incorporate more relaxation activities into your daily life...

Perhaps you want to become a little healthier in 2009...

Perhaps you didn't make any resolutions at all, and that's OK too!

This newsletter contains lots of tips that can help you make the most out of 2009.

Resolution: Relax in 2009

You don't have to spend a fortune on gym equipment to relax at home. There are easy and inexpensive (or FREE!) ways to relax at home. Here are a few suggestions to make 2009 a relaxing year:

  • Schedule 15 to 30 minutes before bedtime as relaxation time. Use this time to read a chapter in a book, take a bubble bath, practice relaxation exercises such as stretching or easy and relaxing yoga poses or anything else that you find relaxing.

  • Cultivate friendships and talk to your friends about what is bothering you. A short phone call or quick visit to see a friend can bring great relief during stressful times.

  • Try to laugh at least once a day. Read the comic strip in the newspaper, watch cartoons on TV or simply laugh at what life throws at you. Endorphins released by your body during laughter will improve your sense of well-being and can also reduce pain.

  • Plan for less tasks. Look at your schedule and eliminate a certain number of tasks. Most people create impossible schedules and these unachievable goals only serve to increase your stress levels. Be more realistic and enjoy the satisfaction of crossing all the items on your list every now and then!

  • Reduce the clutter in your home. Try to clean up one small area (one drawer, one cupboard, one shelf) once a week. Although these clean-up areas are small, you will feel great relief and the task will not seem impossible!

Keep in mind that it takes 21 days to establish a new routine. Aim to spend 15 to 30 minutes per day, every day, for at least 21 days and your stress levels should go down a little. You deserve it!

Resolution: More Success in 2009

You may be trying to make ends meet while avoiding lay-offs and other unpleasant aspects of the global recession. Fortunately, there is one way to slowly build up residual income without spending a fortune.

If you want to spend more time with your kids at home, you may be interested in starting a home-based business like mine: a website. I didn't know anything about website creation until I started my own business. You too can become a successful website owner.

Only 3 days left to Buy 1 Get 1 Free with SBI!"

You and your family deserve to get away from the 9 to 5 lifestyle! You can even contact me to discuss any questions you may have about starting your website.

Book of the Month

And don't forget to check out my my two book of the month recommendations (one fiction and one non-fiction) right here:

Book of the Month

Relaxation Freebies

If you like luscious bath products or enjoy taking baths, then you will like this post-holiday offer from LUSH Cosmetics.

Buy any holiday item or soap and get a second one FREE! LUSH is clearing away its holiday items. Click on the LUSH link above and add any in-stock holiday item or soap to your shopping bag. Another of the same item will automatically be added to your order for FREE! (Only for the first 10 holiday items or soaps in your bag). Make sure to act now before the holiday stock is all gone!

Upcoming Pages

I will be adding several pages to various areas of the site as time permits. Stay posted and come back to visit Relaxation at Home.

That's it for this month.

Relax and enjoy!

Caroline Begin
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