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Relaxation-at-Home newsletter, Issue #007 -- Enjoy these free relaxation scripts, including an mp3.
September 30, 2007

The leaves have started changing colours and the trees are slowly becoming bare... It's fall already. Are you still taking time to relax or have you started getting worried about the upcoming holiday season? Well, either way, Relaxation at Home contains a few more pages that may be of interest to you, including some updates to the free relaxation scripts. Check them out!

Free Relaxation Scripts

A second script has been posted and an mp3 audio file for the first relaxation script has been posted. Simply click on the "play button" and relax.


A few more yoga for meditation and relaxation pages have been added to Relaxation at Home.

Supta Vajrasana or the sleeping thunderbolt pose is great if you're trying to improve your creativity or stretch your upper body. This pose is at the intermediate or advanced level.

Supta Vajrasana

If you're looking to improve your legs, the yoga pose uttanasana (also spelled utthanasana or called squat and rise pose) is for you. This pose can be practiced by beginners.

Yoga Pose Uttanasana


Are you aware what stress can do to your body and your mind? Check it out right here:
Stress Side Effects


Are you familiar with chakras? Chakras are energy centers that connect the various layers of our seven entities (physical, etheric, astral, lower mental, higher mental and buddhic and atmic). You can use these chakras when meditating. More information on chakras has been posted here:

Facts About Chakras Awakening

Chakras Locations

Book of the Month for October 2007

Once again, I have picked one fiction and one non-fiction book for you to read and relax. Check out my latest books of the month.

If you have been considering building a home library, check out these questions before you get started (and start spending money).

Home Library

Upcoming Pages

Once again, I'll be adding new pages to my website as time allows. Look for some new pages added to these categories next month:



Comfort Food

In the mean time, grab yourself a cup of tea and relax! If you don't have the Adagio IngenuiTEA pot, you don't know what you're missing. I'm giving it to every tea lover on my list this holiday season. For only $19, you get a great teapot for two, 4 samples of tea (good for about 4-8 cups each) and a book on tea. Check it out by clicking on this ad:

Free Wrapping

That's it for this month.

Relax and Enjoy!

Caroline Begin
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